What's Blooming Today Feb 25-26?
What's Blooming Today February 18-23?
What's Blooming Today, February 11-17?
Deanna's photos from a recent ice storm in Indiana: "Beautiful but destructive at the same time. I found two crocus plants in the front that had bloomed and were encased in ice like clear purple tootsie pops. Our live oak tree that was completely bent over, had icicles pointed upwards and downwards on the same leaf."
Valentine's Day yard art
What's Blooming Today, February 4-9?
Old photo inspires a new garden plan
Jan 31-Feb 3?
Snow Yard Art
What's Blooming Down South?
Photos by Diane Shields In Alabama & Judie Beynon in Florida
Photos by Diane Shields In Alabama & Judie Beynon in Florida